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    Timing can mean vastly different things, however. If your marketing campaign launches 15 minutes later than originally planned, it’s probably not that big of an issue. If your inventory takes 15 minutes to sync, you might have a serious problem.

    At SkuNexus, we understand this implicitly, and it is why we place such profound importance on real-time inventory. So, let’s take a quick look at what that means and how our software solutions help achieve it for our customers.


    Why is Real-Time Inventory So Critically Important?

    As the basis for all other business operations, inventory must be synced in real time across all channels, from your eCommerce sales platform to the POS system in your brick-and-mortar store to your accounting software of choice.


    Any lags in the system will create problems, and those problems will inevitably increase in size and impact throughout the enterprise.

    • Overstocking/Understocking
    • Inaccurate Order Fulfillment
    • Increased Operational Costs
    • Poor Cash Flow
    • Lost Sales Opportunities
    • Erosion of Customer Trust
    • Complicated Return Processes
    • Inefficiencies in Supplier Management
    • Competitive Disadvantages
    • Damage to Your Brand

    Automated Management

    • Automation
    • Elimination of Manual Processes
    • Error Reduction

    Automated management by SkuNexus creates a wealth of efficiency, accuracy and, ultimately, real-time inventory.

    Stock levels are continually monitored, recorder points established, and purchase orders automatically generated and sent to vendors as needed.

    Efficient Tracking Provides Visibility into Inventory Levels Across Multiple Locations

    As tools for managing inventory go, none can match the utility of the barcode scanner. It empowers merchants with the ability to track inventory at every stage, and in every location, of its journey from receiving to fulfillment to shipping. Disciplined, rigorous barcode scanning is a fundamental element of both warehouse management and inventory control and should be the first priority of any company not already using it.

    When used in an integrated management system (Order, Warehouse, Inventory, Fulfillment, Shipping), barcode scanning provides a system of checks and balances that will identify errors (e.g. item stored in wrong bin, wrong item picked for order, etc.) in real time and demand immediate correction before being allowed to proceed. This alone can dramatically improve inaccurate inventory levels due to misplaced items, disorganization, etc.


    Free-Flowing Data Ties It All Together

    Automation, tracking and visibility are crucial, but real-time inventory hinges upon data being distributed to all channels simultaneously. Any information that is siloed due to lack of integration between systems will disrupt the entire process.

    SkuNexus is specifically architected to seamlessly integrate with different systems. Because of this, barriers to flow are completely eliminated, and data goes wherever it is needed. Everywhere, all at once.

    Schedule a Live Demo

    Find out how our platform can elevate your operations. Offer to set up a test account for you, so you can try out the platform on your own time

    Why SkuNexus

    Find out how our platform can elevate your operations. Offer to set up a test account for you, so you can try out the platform on your own time