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  • 17 Common Warehouse Management Terms and Definitions
Written by Derrick Weiss

17 Common Warehouse Management Terms and Definitions

Knowing these terms and definitions facilitates a verbal shorthand when managing a warehouse and its employees.

When you are operating a business that uses a warehouse, it’s important that you understand the terminology.

Not only will it help you communicate more effectively with other warehouse employees, but it will also improve communication with others in your supply chain.

To help you learn the lingo, we have put together a list of the most common warehouse terms and their definitions.

Welcome to The World of Warehouse Words

Welcome to "17 Common Warehouse Management Terms and Definitions," your essential guide through the labyrinth of warehouse terminology. Whether you're stepping into the world of logistics for the first time or you're a seasoned professional looking to refresh your knowledge, this article is your compass. Understanding the nuanced warehouse vocabulary is pivotal in navigating the complex environment of warehouse operations effectively.

As we delve into the heart of warehouse management, this guide will illuminate the critical terms and definitions that form the backbone of daily warehouse activities. It's not just about learning the language; it's about empowering yourself with the knowledge to streamline operations, enhance efficiency, and communicate fluently in the universal warehouse language.

From the basic to the complex, we’ve distilled the essential warehouse words and phrases that everyone in this field should know. So gear up to enhance your understanding of the warehouse terms and definitions that are the building blocks of successful warehouse management.

Alright, here's the game plan: we're about to dive into the core of "17 Common Warehouse Management Terms and Definitions," and we'll do it in two parts to make sure you get the most out of this. First, we'll hit you with short, to-the-point definitions for each of these 17 key terms. Think of this as your quick-reference guide – snappy definitions that get straight to the heart of the matter.

But we won’t stop there! After we've covered the basics, we’ll go deeper, providing a more detailed exploration of each term. This second round will be packed with context, examples, and insights to ensure that you don’t just learn these terms; you truly understand them. Whether you're looking to grasp the essentials or you're ready for a deeper dive into the world of warehouse management, we've got you covered from A to Z.

So, let's roll up our sleeves and get started – your journey to mastering warehouse management lingo begins now!

Terms and Definitions in the Warehouse

The following are some of the most common warehouse terms. Learning what these terms mean will make it easier to understand and communicate with others in the warehouse and supply chain.

Warehouse management is a crucial aspect of logistics and supply chain operations, involving numerous specialized terms. Understanding these terms is essential for professionals in the field. Here's a glossary of key warehouse management terms and their definitions:

  1. 3PL (Third-Party Logistics): The outsourcing of logistics and distribution activities to a third-party company, which can include transportation, warehousing, and inventory management, among other services.

  2. Advanced Shipping Notification (ASN): A document that provides detailed information about a pending delivery, including the shipment's expected arrival time, contents, and quantities. It is typically sent electronically from the supplier to the customer.

  3. Barcode: A method of representing data in a visual, machine-readable format, consisting of bars and spaces that encode information such as product numbers or inventory data.

  4. Batch Picking: A method in which items for multiple orders are picked simultaneously in a single trip through the warehouse, to increase efficiency and reduce picking time.

  5. Bill of Lading (BOL): A legal document issued by a carrier to a shipper, detailing the type, quantity, and destination of goods being transported. It serves as a receipt, a contract, and a document of title.

  6. Cross-Docking: A logistics process where incoming goods are immediately sorted and directed to outgoing shipments, reducing the need for storage.

  7. Discrete Picking: A picking method where items for one order are collected one at a time, ensuring high accuracy for each individual order.

  8. Line: Depending on context, this can refer to a production line, an order line item, or the path products take through a warehouse or manufacturing process.

  9. Order: A customer's or business's request for goods or services, specifying types, quantities, and delivery details.

  10. Purchase Order (PO): A document issued by a buyer to a seller, indicating the types, quantities, and agreed prices for products or services, serving as a formal order and, upon acceptance, a contract.

  11. Putaway: The process of storing received goods in their designated locations within the warehouse after unloading and inspection.

  12. Receiving: The first step in warehouse operations, involving the acceptance, inspection, and processing of incoming goods.

  13. Replenishment: The process of moving inventory from backstock to primary picking locations to ensure continuous availability for order fulfillment.

  14. QR Code (Quick Response Code): A two-dimensional barcode that stores information accessible through scanning, used for various applications such as product tracking, information sharing, and marketing.

  15. Unit: In warehouse management, a unit refers to the smallest measure of an item that can be stored, managed, or sold individually.

  16. WMS (Warehouse Management System): A WMS is a software solution designed to optimize and manage all aspects of warehouse operations, from inventory management to order fulfillment.

  17. Zone picking: A process of order picking in which different pickers pick items of an order from specific assigned storage areas to be assembled for shipping later.

This glossary covers foundational terms within warehouse management, providing a basic understanding of the processes and documentation involved in efficient warehouse operations.

Great job getting through those one-liner definitions! You've got the basics down, and now it's time to really dive deep.

Warehouse Terms Breakdowns

Next up, we're going to explore each of those 17 warehouse management terms in more detail. We're talking context, examples, and the kind of insights that light up those "aha!" moments. This is where the terms start to live and breathe, connecting you to the real-world applications and scenarios that make warehouse management such a dynamic field.

So, stay tuned as we unpack each concept further, helping you not just understand but also appreciate the intricacies of warehouse operations. Let's get into the nitty-gritty and make you a warehouse management expert!

Warehouse Term Breakdown #1: 3PL (Third-Party Logistics)

What is 3PL?

3PL stands for Third-Party Logistics, a key warehouse management term in the logistics and supply chain management world. It refers to the outsourcing of logistics operations, including transportation, warehousing, and fulfillment services, to a third-party provider. These providers take on the management of all or part of a company's logistics functions, allowing businesses to focus on their core activities while leveraging the expertise and resources of specialized logistics companies.

Why Use 3PL?

Businesses turn to 3PL providers for several reasons:

  • Expertise: 3PLs bring extensive knowledge and experience in logistics, which can be particularly beneficial for companies without in-house logistics capabilities.
  • Cost Savings: By leveraging the scale and efficiency of a 3PL, businesses can reduce transportation, warehousing, and operational costs.
  • Flexibility and Scalability: 3PL services can easily be scaled up or down based on business needs, providing flexibility to handle peak seasons or growth without the need for significant investment in facilities or equipment.
  • Focus on Core Business: Outsourcing logistics allows companies to concentrate on their primary business functions, such as product development, marketing, and sales.

How Does 3PL Work?

The 3PL process typically involves the following steps:

  1. Contract and Agreement: A business enters into a contract with a 3PL provider that outlines the services to be provided, service levels, costs, and other terms.
  2. Integration: The 3PL integrates its systems with the client’s operations, which may include inventory management systems, order processing, and transportation management.
  3. Operation: The 3PL takes over the agreed-upon logistics functions, such as storing goods in its warehouse, managing inventory levels, packing and shipping orders, and arranging for transportation.
  4. Reporting and Management: The 3PL provides reporting and visibility into logistics operations, allowing the client to monitor performance and make informed decisions.

Examples of 3PL Services

  • Warehousing and Distribution: Storage of goods in a warehouse and management of inbound and outbound shipments.
  • Transportation: Arrangement of transportation for goods, including freight forwarding, carrier selection, and route optimization.
  • Order Fulfillment: Picking, packing, and shipping orders directly to end customers on behalf of the client.
  • Value-Added Services: Additional services such as product kitting, assembly, packaging, and labeling.


Utilizing a 3PL can be a strategic decision for businesses looking to optimize their logistics operations. By partnering with a 3PL, companies can gain access to expertise, technology, and networks that might otherwise be out of reach, enabling them to achieve greater efficiency, flexibility, and scalability in their supply chain operations.

Warehouse Term Breakdown #2: Advanced Shipping Notification (ASN)

What is an Advanced Shipping Notification (ASN)?

An Advanced Shipping Notification (ASN) is a crucial document in supply chain management, serving as a pre-alert about incoming shipments. Sent electronically from a supplier to a purchaser, the ASN details the contents of a shipment before it arrives. This document provides valuable information such as the list of products, quantities, expected delivery date and time, carrier details, and tracking numbers.

Why is ASN Important?

ASNs play a vital role in modern logistics and supply chain operations for several reasons:

  • Improved Warehouse Efficiency: By receiving details about incoming goods in advance, warehouses can better plan for unloading, inspection, and storage, leading to smoother operations.
  • Enhanced Inventory Management: ASNs allow for the updating of inventory systems in real-time as goods are en route, improving accuracy in stock levels and planning.
  • Better Order Fulfillment: With advanced notice of shipments, companies can more accurately promise delivery times to their customers, improving service levels.
  • Reduced Errors and Delays: ASNs help in identifying discrepancies between ordered and shipped items early, allowing for proactive resolution.

How Does ASN Work?

The process typically involves the following steps:

  1. Shipment Preparation: Once a shipment is ready, the supplier generates an ASN detailing the shipment's contents and other relevant information.
  2. ASN Transmission: The ASN is then transmitted electronically, often via EDI (Electronic Data Interchange), to the purchaser or receiving party.
  3. Receiving and Planning: The recipient uses the information in the ASN to prepare for the arrival of the shipment, allocating resources for unloading, inspection, and integration into inventory.
  4. Matching and Verification: Upon arrival, the actual shipment is matched against the ASN to verify accuracy in terms of quantity, type, and condition of goods.

Examples of ASN Use Cases

  • Retail: In retail, ASNs enable stores and distribution centers to prepare for new stock arrivals, ensuring shelves are restocked quickly.
  • Manufacturing: For manufacturers, ASNs are crucial in just-in-time (JIT) inventory systems, where materials are received just as they are needed, reducing inventory holding costs.
  • E-commerce: E-commerce platforms use ASNs to streamline their back-end logistics, ensuring that products are available for sale as soon as they are physically received.


The Advanced Shipping Notification is more than just a heads-up about a delivery; it's a fundamental component of effective supply chain communication. By facilitating better planning, improving accuracy, and enhancing collaboration between trading partners, ASNs contribute significantly to the efficiency and agility of modern logistics operations.

Warehouse Term Breakdown #3: Barcode

What is a Barcode?

A barcode is a method of representing data in a visual, machine-readable form. At its core, a barcode is composed of a series of parallel lines of varying widths and spacings, although modern variations include patterns of squares, dots, and other shapes (such as in QR codes). Each barcode uniquely represents information such as a product number, serial number, or other identifiers which can be quickly scanned and interpreted by electronic readers.

Why are Barcodes Important?

Barcodes have become indispensable in various industries due to their ability to:

  • Speed Up Processing: They allow for the rapid scanning and processing of information, significantly faster than manual data entry.
  • Reduce Errors: Barcodes minimize the risk of human error in data handling, ensuring accuracy in transactions and inventory records.
  • Enhance Inventory Management: With barcodes, companies can track inventory levels in real-time, facilitating efficient stock management.
  • Improve Data Collection: They enable the collection of detailed data on sales, inventory movement, and customer preferences, which can inform business strategies.

How Do Barcodes Work?

The operation of barcodes involves several steps:

  1. Encoding: Information is encoded into a barcode format, using specific patterns of lines or shapes to represent different characters and numbers.
  2. Printing or Marking: The barcode is then printed onto product packaging or labels, or directly onto the item with more durable methods for certain uses.
  3. Scanning: A barcode scanner uses light to read the reflected patterns and decode them back into the original information.
  4. Interpretation: The scanned data is sent to a computer system or handheld device, where it is interpreted and processed for the intended application, such as completing a sale or updating inventory records.

Examples of Barcode Applications

  • Retail: In supermarkets and stores, barcodes are scanned at checkout to speed up the billing process and manage inventory.
  • Warehousing and Logistics: Barcodes track the movement of goods through supply chains, from receiving at a warehouse to final delivery.
  • Healthcare: Used for patient identification, tracking medications, and managing medical equipment to enhance safety and efficiency.
  • Manufacturing: Barcodes help in tracking production processes, managing parts inventory, and ensuring quality control.


Barcodes have revolutionized the way businesses and organizations manage and process information, offering a simple yet powerful tool for automating data capture, reducing errors, and improving operational efficiency. Their widespread adoption across various sectors stands as a testament to their utility, proving that sometimes the simplest technologies can have the most profound impact on our daily operations and logistics.

Warehouse Term Breakdown #4: Batch Picking

What is Batch Picking?

Batch picking is a strategic method used in warehouse operations where a worker collects items for multiple orders simultaneously, rather than picking items for one order at a time. This approach consolidates the picking process, reducing the number of trips around the warehouse needed to fulfill orders. By grouping orders with similar items or locations, batch picking streamlines the workflow, enhances efficiency, and can significantly decrease the overall time spent on the picking process.

Why is Batch Picking Important?

Batch picking offers several key advantages for warehouse operations:

  • Increased Efficiency: By minimizing the distance traveled by pickers, batch picking speeds up the order fulfillment process.
  • Reduced Labor Costs: Efficient picking reduces the amount of labor required to fulfill orders, directly impacting labor costs positively.
  • Improved Order Throughput: The ability to pick multiple orders in one go increases the volume of orders that can be processed within a given timeframe.
  • Flexibility: Batch picking can be adapted and scaled according to the specific needs and fluctuations in order volume of a warehouse.

How Does Batch Picking Work?

The process typically involves the following steps:

  1. Order Grouping: Orders are analyzed and grouped based on criteria such as item similarity, location proximity, or customer priority.
  2. Batch Creation: A set of orders is combined into a single batch to be picked together.
  3. Picking Process: A picker collects all items for the batch in one trip through the warehouse, using a picking list or mobile device that guides them efficiently from location to location.
  4. Order Sorting: After picking, items are sorted into individual orders at a designated packing station.
  5. Packing and Shipping: Orders are packed and prepared for shipping to the customer.

Examples of Batch Picking Applications

  • E-commerce Fulfillment: Online retailers use batch picking to efficiently handle large volumes of small, individual orders.
  • Retail Restocking: Batch picking is used to gather items for restocking retail shelves more efficiently.
  • Pharmaceutical Distribution: Pharmacies and healthcare providers benefit from batch picking when fulfilling multiple prescriptions or orders.


Batch picking is a powerful technique in the arsenal of warehouse management strategies, offering a balanced approach to improving order fulfillment speed and accuracy. By leveraging batch picking, warehouses can better manage their resources, reduce operational costs, and improve customer satisfaction through faster order processing times. As warehouses and distribution centers continue to seek efficiencies in a fast-paced market, batch picking remains a key method for staying competitive and meeting the demands of modern logistics.

Warehouse Term Breakdown #5: Bill of Lading

What is a Bill of Lading?

A Bill of Lading (BOL or BoL) is a legal document issued by a carrier to a shipper that outlines the details of the shipment of goods. It serves multiple critical roles: as a receipt confirming the carrier has received the cargo as described, as a contract between the shipper and carrier for the transportation of goods, and often as a document of title that can be used to transfer ownership of the goods.

Why is the Bill of Lading Important?

The Bill of Lading is foundational in the shipping and logistics industries for several reasons:

  • Legal Protection: It provides legal protection for both the shipper and the carrier by clearly outlining the terms of the shipping contract.
  • Cargo Tracking: It contains detailed information about the cargo, facilitating tracking and management of the shipment.
  • Title Transfer: As a document of title, it enables the transfer of ownership of the goods, which is crucial in trade financing and transactions.
  • Regulatory Compliance: It ensures compliance with international shipping regulations by providing a detailed record of the shipment.

How Does a Bill of Lading Work?

The process involves the following key steps:

  1. Issuance: The carrier issues the BOL once the cargo is loaded onto the shipping vessel, truck, or airplane.
  2. Details: It details the type, quantity, and destination of the goods, along with the terms of shipping.
  3. Use as Receipt: The shipper or sender retains a copy as proof that the carrier has received the goods as described.
  4. Use in Transit: During transit, the BOL accompanies the shipment, providing a reference for carriers, customs, and receiving parties.
  5. Delivery and Transfer: Upon delivery, the BOL is presented and signed off by the receiving party. If it’s a negotiable BOL, it can be used to transfer ownership of the goods en route.

Examples of Bill of Lading Use Cases

  • International Trade: Used in importing and exporting goods, where the BOL is essential for customs clearance and trade financing.
  • Freight Shipping: For domestic freight shipments by road or rail, the BOL serves as a receipt and contract.
  • Maritime Shipping: In sea freight, it’s critical for documenting cargo details and ownership during maritime transport.


The Bill of Lading is a cornerstone document in the shipping and logistics sector, encapsulating the complexities of transporting goods across distances and borders. Its multifaceted role as a receipt, contract, and document of title makes it indispensable for ensuring the smooth and legal transfer of goods from one party to another. Understanding how to properly manage and interpret Bills of Lading is essential for professionals in the shipping, trade, and logistics industries.

Warehouse Term Breakdown #6: Cross Docking

What is Cross Docking?

Cross docking is a logistics strategy designed to minimize storage time in a warehouse by directly transferring incoming goods from receiving docks to outbound shipping docks. Essentially, products arriving at the warehouse are immediately sorted and then redirected to their next destination, bypassing the traditional storage phases. This method is highly efficient for streamlining inventory flow, reducing handling costs, and speeding up delivery times.

Why is Cross Docking Important?

Cross docking presents several advantages for supply chain operations:

  • Reduced Storage Costs: By eliminating the need for storage, companies can significantly lower their warehouse expenses.
  • Faster Turnaround Time: Goods spend less time in the warehouse, allowing for quicker delivery to customers or retail outlets.
  • Decreased Handling: Minimizing product handling reduces the risk of damage and lowers handling costs.
  • Improved Efficiency: Streamlining the transfer process from inbound to outbound reduces bottlenecks and increases overall supply chain efficiency.

How Does Cross Docking Work?

The cross docking process typically involves the following steps:

  1. Planning and Coordination: Effective cross docking requires meticulous planning and coordination with suppliers and transportation providers to ensure timely arrivals and departures.
  2. Receiving: Goods are unloaded at the receiving dock and immediately identified for redirection.
  3. Sorting and Consolidating: Items are sorted according to their destination. This may involve breaking down pallets into smaller loads or consolidating goods for the same destination.
  4. Transferring: Sorted goods are quickly moved to the outbound shipping area.
  5. Shipping: Outbound goods are loaded onto trucks or other transport modes for delivery to their final destination.

Examples of Cross Docking Applications

  • Retail Operations: Retailers use cross docking to efficiently distribute products to various stores, reducing inventory holding times.
  • E-commerce: E-commerce businesses utilize cross docking for fast-paced order fulfillment, directly shipping incoming products to customers.
  • Grocery Distribution: Perishable goods like food items benefit from cross docking, minimizing storage time to preserve freshness.


Cross docking is a strategic approach in warehouse management and logistics, focusing on efficiency and speed in the supply chain. By streamlining the transfer of goods from receipt to shipment, businesses can achieve faster delivery times, reduce operational costs, and improve overall supply chain performance. Adopting cross docking requires a high level of coordination and real-time communication across the supply chain but can offer significant competitive advantages in the right operational contexts.

Warehouse Term Breakdown #7: Discrete Picking

What is Discrete Picking?

Discrete picking, often referred to as single-order picking, is a method in warehouse operations where a picker collects items for one order at a time. This process involves navigating the warehouse to retrieve each item listed on an individual order, then preparing these items for packing and shipping. It is one of the simplest and most traditional forms of order picking, emphasizing accuracy and order integrity.

Why is Discrete Picking Important?

Discrete picking plays a critical role in warehouse management for several reasons:

  • High Accuracy: Focusing on one order at a time minimizes the potential for mistakes, ensuring that each customer receives exactly what they ordered.
  • Flexibility: It can be easily implemented in warehouses of any size and does not require specialized technology or equipment, making it accessible for businesses with limited resources.
  • Ease of Training: New employees can quickly learn discrete picking, as it mimics natural shopping behavior and requires less familiarity with the entire warehouse layout compared to other methods.

How Does Discrete Picking Work?

The discrete picking process typically involves the following steps:

  1. Order Receipt: A picker receives an order list, either on paper or via a digital device.
  2. Item Retrieval: The picker locates and retrieves each item on the order list from its specific location within the warehouse.
  3. Order Consolidation: After collecting all items for the order, the picker brings them to a designated packing area.
  4. Packing and Shipping: Items are then packed, labeled, and prepared for shipping to the customer.

Examples of Discrete Picking Applications

  • Small Businesses: For businesses with a manageable volume of orders, discrete picking allows for straightforward order fulfillment without the need for complex systems.
  • Specialized Orders: High-value or customizable orders where personal attention to each item is necessary benefit from the precision of discrete picking.
  • E-commerce: Small to medium-sized e-commerce operations often use discrete picking for its simplicity and effectiveness in handling individual customer orders.


Discrete picking is a foundational method within warehouse operations, prized for its simplicity, accuracy, and flexibility. While it may not offer the efficiency gains of more complex picking strategies in high-volume environments, its ease of implementation and high accuracy make it an invaluable option for many warehousing scenarios. As businesses evaluate their order fulfillment strategies, discrete picking remains a reliable choice for ensuring customer satisfaction through accurate and careful handling of orders. 

Warehouse Term Breakdown #8: "Line

What Does "Line" Refer to in Warehouse Management?

In the context of warehouse management lingo, "line" can refer to various operational elements, depending on its specific use. Understanding these different interpretations is key to grasping the intricacies of warehouse operations and logistics.

Key Interpretations of "Line" in Warehouse Management:

  1. Production Line: Refers to the arrangement in a manufacturing setup where products are assembled or processed in a sequential manner across different stations. Each station on the production line is tasked with a specific operation, contributing to the efficient assembly of products.

  2. Order Line: This represents a specific item within an order. An order consisting of multiple products will have several order lines, each detailing the product type, quantity, and specifications necessary for fulfillment.

  3. Picking Line: In warehousing, a picking line can refer to the designated path that warehouse pickers follow to collect items for orders. It can also denote a conveyor system or the organizational setup of bins and shelves optimized for the picking process.

  4. Shipping Line: Outside the immediate warehouse context, a shipping line refers to a company that operates cargo ships, providing sea freight transportation services. Within a warehouse, it can denote the area or process dedicated to preparing goods for shipment by such carriers.

Why Understanding "Line" is Important:

Each interpretation of "line" highlights a different aspect of warehouse and supply chain operations, from the production and assembly of goods to the detailed organization of orders and their fulfillment. Understanding these nuances ensures that communication and processes within a warehouse are efficient and error-free.

How "Line" is Applied in Warehouse Operations:

  • Streamlining Operations: In production lines, optimizing each station's efficiency can significantly impact the overall productivity and throughput of manufacturing.
  • Accuracy in Fulfillment: Proper management of order lines ensures accurate order picking and customer satisfaction, as each item's details are carefully noted and fulfilled.
  • Efficiency in Picking: Designing effective picking lines within a warehouse layout can drastically reduce the time and effort required to pick orders, enhancing operational efficiency.
  • Coordination of Shipments: Identifying and preparing shipping lines helps in the smooth transition of goods from warehouse to transportation, ensuring timely delivery.


The term "line" encompasses various elements essential to the smooth operation of warehouse and manufacturing environments. Whether referring to the sequential assembly of products, the detailed components of an order, the pathways for picking efficiency, or the processes involved in shipping, understanding and optimizing each "line" aspect is crucial for maintaining a streamlined, effective operation. As such, "line" serves as a foundational concept within warehouse management, highlighting the interconnectedness of different operational areas.

Warehouse Term Breakdown #9: "Order"

What is an Order?

In the context of warehouse management and logistics terms, an "order" refers to a request by a customer or business for specific goods or services. It details the types, quantities, and sometimes, the delivery specifications of products to be shipped from the warehouse to the customer or another destination. Orders are central to the operations of warehouses and distribution centers, serving as the primary mechanism through which goods move from suppliers to end users.

Why is Order Management Important?

Effective order management is crucial for several reasons:

  • Customer Satisfaction: Timely and accurate fulfillment of orders is key to maintaining high levels of customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Inventory Accuracy: Orders impact inventory levels; hence, managing them effectively ensures inventory is kept accurate and up to date.
  • Operational Efficiency: Efficient processing of orders leads to smoother warehouse operations, from picking and packing to shipping.
  • Revenue and Growth: Proper order management directly affects a company's revenue and growth potential by ensuring that products are sold and delivered in a timely manner.

How Does Order Processing Work?

The order processing workflow typically involves the following steps:

  1. Order Placement: A customer places an order through a sales channel, which could be an online platform, a physical store, or through direct sales.
  2. Order Receipt: The order is received and recorded in the warehouse management system (WMS) or order management system (OMS).
  3. Order Picking: Warehouse staff retrieve the items listed in the order from their storage locations.
  4. Order Packing: Items are carefully packed for shipping, ensuring they are secure and accompanied by the appropriate documentation.
  5. Order Shipping: The order is handed off to a courier or shipping company for delivery to the customer's specified address.
  6. Order Tracking and Delivery: The customer is provided with tracking information and receives the order at the agreed-upon time and place.

Examples of Order Types

  • Single Item Order: An order consisting of one type of item.
  • Multiple Item Order: An order that includes several types of items.
  • Bulk Order: A large order often placed by businesses or for wholesale purposes.
  • Custom Order: An order requiring specific customization or preparation before shipping.


In warehouse management, the concept of an "order" is at the heart of all operations, serving as the link between the customer's demand and the supply chain's response. Efficient order management ensures that this link is maintained without disruption, supporting the overall goals of the organization in terms of customer satisfaction, inventory accuracy, and operational excellence. Understanding and optimizing the order process is essential for any business looking to thrive in the competitive landscape of supply chain and logistics management.

Warehouse Term Breakdown #10: Purchase Order

What is a Purchase Order?

A Purchase Order (PO) is a formal document issued by a buyer to a seller, specifying the types, quantities, and agreed prices for products or services. It is an official offer to buy, outlining the details of the transaction and serving as a legally binding agreement once the seller accepts it. POs are crucial in the procurement process, providing a clear record of orders placed and helping manage the purchasing of goods and services efficiently.

Why is a Purchase Order Important?

  • Financial Control: POs help businesses control spending by documenting orders before they are fulfilled, ensuring that purchases are authorized and budgeted.
  • Legal Protection: They provide a legal framework for the transaction, detailing the obligations of both parties and serving as a record in case of disputes.
  • Order Clarity: Purchase orders clarify the specifics of what is being ordered, reducing the likelihood of errors or misunderstandings.
  • Inventory Management: By documenting orders, POs assist in forecasting demand and managing inventory levels more accurately.

How Does a Purchase Order Work?

  1. Creation and Approval: The buyer generates a PO, which includes detailed information about the order. This document often goes through an approval process within the buyer's organization.
  2. Issuance: Once approved, the PO is sent to the seller, formally proposing the purchase of goods or services under specified terms.
  3. Acceptance: The seller reviews the PO and, if agreeing to the terms, accepts it, which makes the PO a binding contract between the two parties.
  4. Fulfillment: The seller supplies the goods or services as outlined in the PO.
  5. Invoicing and Payment: After fulfilling the order, the seller sends an invoice to the buyer, who processes payment according to the terms agreed upon in the PO.

Examples of Purchase Order Use Cases

  • Supply Chain Operations: Businesses routinely use POs to order raw materials from suppliers, ensuring a steady flow of components necessary for manufacturing.
  • Retail: Retailers issue POs to stock stores with merchandise, often tailoring orders based on seasonality and sales forecasts.
  • Service Industry: Companies in the service sector use POs to contract and pay for professional services, from marketing to maintenance.
  • Government Procurement: Government entities utilize POs for transparent and accountable procurement of everything from office supplies to large-scale infrastructure projects.


Purchase orders play a pivotal role in business operations, serving as a critical tool for managing purchases, controlling spending, and maintaining strong vendor relationships. They formalize the buying process, ensuring clarity and accountability for both buyers and sellers. By understanding and effectively managing purchase orders, businesses can improve their operational efficiency, financial management, and supply chain reliability.

Warehouse Term Breakdown #11: Putaway

What is Putaway?

Putaway is a fundamental warehouse operation that involves the process of moving goods from the receiving area to their designated storage location within the warehouse. This step follows the receipt and inspection of goods and is crucial for maintaining an organized and efficient warehouse. The putaway process ensures that items are stored in a manner that maximizes space utilization, preserves the condition of goods, and facilitates easy access for future picking.

Why is Putaway Important?

  • Space Optimization: Effective putaway strategies help in utilizing warehouse space efficiently, accommodating more inventory in a limited area.
  • Inventory Accuracy: Properly storing goods in their designated locations enhances inventory accuracy, making it easier to track stock levels and minimize losses.
  • Operational Efficiency: Streamlined putaway processes reduce the time and effort needed to store and retrieve items, boosting overall warehouse productivity.
  • Safety: Correctly placing goods in appropriate storage areas reduces the risk of damage to the products and injury to the warehouse staff.

How Does the Putaway Process Work?

  1. Receiving: Goods arrive at the warehouse and are unloaded at the receiving dock.
  2. Inspection and Documentation: Received items are inspected for quality and quantity, and relevant details are documented.
  3. Storage Assignment: Each item is assigned a specific location in the warehouse, considering factors such as item size, weight, turnover rate, and storage requirements.
  4. Transportation: Items are transported from the receiving area to their assigned storage locations using equipment like forklifts, conveyors, or manually by staff.
  5. Stowing: Items are securely placed in their designated spots, ensuring they are stored correctly and safely.

Examples of Putaway Strategies

  • Direct Putaway: Goods are moved directly from the receiving area to their final storage location without intermediate handling.
  • Random Putaway: Items are stored in any available location, maximizing space utilization and flexibility.
  • Zone-Based Putaway: Goods are categorized and stored in specific zones based on certain criteria, such as product type or picking frequency.
  • Consolidated Putaway: Similar items from multiple receipts are consolidated before being stored to optimize space and improve picking efficiency.


The putaway process is a critical component of warehouse management, directly impacting inventory control, space utilization, and operational efficiency. Implementing effective putaway strategies and practices can lead to significant improvements in warehouse operations, from faster order processing times to reduced operational costs and enhanced worker safety. As such, mastering the putaway process is essential for any warehouse looking to optimize its operations and provide better service to its customers.

Warehouse Term Breakdown #12: Receiving

What is Receiving?

Receiving is the initial stage in warehouse operations, involving the acceptance and handling of goods arriving at the warehouse. This critical process marks the transition of products from the supplier to the warehouse's responsibility. It encompasses unloading items, inspecting them for damage and accuracy against the purchase order, and documenting the receipt before moving items into storage or towards further processing.

Why is Receiving Important?

  • Inventory Accuracy: Proper receiving ensures that inventory records are updated accurately, reflecting the actual stock available in the warehouse.
  • Quality Control: Inspecting goods at the receiving stage helps identify any damaged or defective items early, preventing them from entering the supply chain.
  • Operational Efficiency: Efficient receiving processes set the pace for downstream warehouse activities, impacting overall throughput and productivity.
  • Supplier Compliance: Checking deliveries against purchase orders enforces supplier compliance with order specifications, quantities, and quality standards.

How Does the Receiving Process Work?

  1. Scheduling and Dock Assignment: Incoming shipments are scheduled, and dock space is assigned to ensure an organized and efficient unloading process.
  2. Unloading: Goods are carefully unloaded from the transportation vehicle, using equipment like forklifts for heavier items.
  3. Checking and Verification: Each shipment is checked against the corresponding purchase order or delivery note to verify that the quantities, product types, and quality match the order.
  4. Documentation: The receipt of goods is documented, updating inventory management systems to reflect the new stock. This documentation may include the condition of the items, quantities received, and any discrepancies noted.
  5. Labeling and Initial Sorting: Items may be labeled with barcodes or RFID tags for tracking and sorted based on their storage or processing requirements.
  6. Staging for Putaway: Finally, received goods are moved to a staging area, awaiting putaway into their designated storage locations or processing in the case of cross-docking.

Examples of Receiving Applications

  • Retail Warehousing: Receiving a variety of consumer goods, inspecting for quality, and preparing for storage or direct store distribution.
  • Manufacturing Supply Chain: Accepting raw materials and components, verifying their specifications before moving them into production inventory.
  • E-commerce Fulfillment: Handling large volumes of diverse products, ensuring accuracy and speed to meet fast-paced order fulfillment demands.


The receiving process is a cornerstone of effective warehouse management, directly influencing inventory accuracy, supply chain efficiency, and customer satisfaction. By adopting best practices in receiving, warehouses can enhance their operational efficiency, maintain high-quality standards, and build strong foundations for subsequent warehousing activities. Investing in training, technology, and process optimization for receiving can yield significant benefits for any logistics operation.

Warehouse Term Breakdown #13: Replenishment

What is Replenishment?

Replenishment in the context of warehouse management refers to the process of moving inventory from backstock or bulk storage areas to primary picking locations. This operation is essential to ensure that products are readily available for picking and shipping, maintaining an optimal balance of stock levels throughout the warehouse. Replenishment strategies are designed to minimize stockouts, optimize inventory turnover, and maintain efficient order fulfillment processes.

Why is Replenishment Important?

  • Prevents Stockouts: Regular replenishment ensures that high-demand items are always available for order fulfillment, preventing delays and customer dissatisfaction.
  • Improves Efficiency: By maintaining optimal stock levels in picking areas, replenishment reduces the time and distance workers must travel to pick items, increasing overall operational efficiency.
  • Enhances Inventory Management: Effective replenishment strategies help manage inventory more accurately, reducing overstock and understock situations by aligning stock levels with demand.
  • Supports Continuous Operations: Continuous replenishment of picking locations allows for uninterrupted order processing, essential for meeting delivery deadlines and maintaining high service levels.

How Does the Replenishment Process Work?

  1. Demand Forecasting: Analyzing sales data and trends to predict which items will need replenishing and when.
  2. Inventory Monitoring: Continuously monitoring stock levels in picking areas to identify items that fall below predetermined thresholds.
  3. Replenishment Planning: Determining the quantity of each item to move from bulk storage to picking locations, based on current demand and available space.
  4. Execution: Physically moving the inventory from storage areas to picking locations, using equipment such as forklifts, conveyors, or manual labor.
  5. Update Inventory Records: Adjusting inventory management systems to reflect the new location and quantities of items after replenishment.

Examples of Replenishment Strategies

  • Top-off Replenishment: Filling picking locations to their maximum capacity during off-peak hours or at the end of the day to prepare for future orders.
  • Demand-driven Replenishment: Adjusting replenishment frequency and quantities based on real-time sales data and inventory levels, prioritizing items with higher turnover rates.
  • Wave Replenishment: Coordinating replenishment activities with picking waves, ensuring that all required inventory is available before each wave of order picking begins.


Replenishment is a vital component of warehouse management vocabulary, directly impacting the ability to fulfill orders promptly and accurately. Implementing effective replenishment strategies can lead to significant improvements in operational efficiency, customer satisfaction, and inventory control. By understanding and optimizing the replenishment process, warehouses can ensure that they are well-equipped to meet demand, reduce waste, and support the overall goals of the supply chain. 

Warehouse Term Breakdown #14: QR Code

What is a QR Code?

A QR Code, short for Quick Response Code, is a two-dimensional barcode that stores information in a grid of tiny squares. Developed in Japan in the 1990s for tracking vehicle parts during manufacturing, QR Codes have gained widespread use in various industries due to their ability to store a significant amount of data and their ease of use. Unlike traditional barcodes, which can only be read in one direction and hold limited data, QR Codes can be read in two dimensions (horizontally and vertically) and encode information such as text, URLs, or other data types.

Why are QR Codes Important?

  • Versatility: QR Codes can encode various types of information, from website links to contact details and even Wi-Fi passwords, making them incredibly versatile.
  • Ease of Use: Scanning a QR Code with a smartphone camera is quick and easy, facilitating instant access to the encoded information without the need for typing or note-taking.
  • Efficiency: They streamline processes such as ticketing, payments, and information sharing by providing a direct link to the desired data or action.
  • Traceability: In supply chain and inventory management, QR Codes enhance traceability by providing detailed product information with a simple scan.

How Do QR Codes Work?

  1. Creation: A QR Code is generated using specialized software, encoding the desired information into a unique pattern of squares.
  2. Printing and Distribution: The QR Code can be printed on various materials, displayed on screens, or shared digitally.
  3. Scanning: A user scans the QR Code using a smartphone camera or a dedicated QR scanner, which reads the pattern.
  4. Decoding: The scanning device decodes the pattern, translating it back into the information or command encoded in the QR Code.
  5. Action: The user is directed to a website, shown a message, or another action is triggered based on the decoded information.

Examples of QR Code Applications

  • Mobile Payments: QR Codes are widely used for contactless payments, where scanning a code generates a payment transaction.
  • Marketing and Advertising: Companies use QR Codes in advertising materials to direct consumers to their websites, promotional videos, or social media pages.
  • Event Ticketing: Tickets for events or public transport systems often use QR Codes as digital passes.
  • Inventory Management: In warehousing, QR Codes can store detailed information about products, streamlining inventory tracking and management.


QR Codes have revolutionized the way information is shared and accessed, offering a quick, easy, and versatile method for encoding and retrieving data. Their application ranges from marketing and payments to logistics and information dissemination, highlighting their adaptability and effectiveness in various contexts. As technology continues to evolve, the use of QR Codes is expected to expand, further embedding them into daily life and business operations.

Warehouse Term Breakdown #15: "Unit" 

What is a Unit?

In the realm of warehouse management, a "unit" refers to the smallest individual item or package that can be handled, stored, or sold. This term is foundational to inventory management, as it represents the basic measure around which operations such as storage, order fulfillment, and stock control are organized. Units can vary widely in nature, from a single screw in a hardware inventory to a large home appliance in a distribution center.

Why is Understanding Units Important?

  • Inventory Accuracy: Keeping track of items at the unit level helps maintain precise inventory records, crucial for order fulfillment and replenishment planning.
  • Operational Efficiency: Managing operations at the unit level allows for more detailed organization, leading to improved efficiency in picking, packing, and shipping.
  • Customer Satisfaction: Accurate unit management ensures that customers receive exactly what they ordered in the correct quantities, enhancing satisfaction and trust.
  • Financial Management: Units are essential for financial records, affecting cost calculation, pricing strategies, and revenue tracking.

How Do Units Function in Warehouse Operations?

  1. Receiving and Inspection: Upon arrival at the warehouse, items are counted and inspected at the unit level to ensure accuracy and quality.
  2. Storage: Units are stored in designated locations, with their details recorded in an inventory management system for easy retrieval.
  3. Picking and Packing: Orders are fulfilled by picking the required units from their storage locations, packing them appropriately for shipment.
  4. Inventory Control: Regular stock takes and audits are conducted at the unit level to ensure inventory accuracy and identify discrepancies early.

Examples of Unit Applications

  • Retail Goods: Each piece of merchandise, like a shirt or a book, is considered a unit for inventory and sales purposes.
  • Manufacturing Components: In manufacturing, each raw material or component used in production is tracked as a separate unit.
  • Pharmaceuticals: Medications and health products are often managed at the unit level, especially when individual dosages or items need to be tracked for safety and compliance.


The concept of a "unit" is a fundamental building block of warehouse management, providing the granularity necessary for precise inventory control, efficient operations, and financial accounting. By managing items at the unit level, warehouses can better meet customer demand, maintain accurate stock levels, and operate more effectively. Understanding and optimizing unit management practices is essential for any business looking to streamline its warehouse operations and improve overall supply chain performance.

Warehouse Term Breakdown #16: Warehouse Management System (WMS)

What is a Warehouse Management System (WMS)?

A Warehouse Management System (WMS) is a software solution designed to support and optimize the day-to-day operations within a warehouse. It enables businesses to manage and coordinate inventory, order fulfillment, and storage space more efficiently by automating various processes. A WMS provides visibility into a warehouse's inventory at any time and location, streamlines processes from receiving to shipping, and improves labor management through task optimization.

Why is a WMS Important?

  • Inventory Visibility and Accuracy: A WMS offers real-time data on inventory levels, locations, and movements, enhancing decision-making and reducing the risk of stockouts or overstock.
  • Operational Efficiency: By automating routine tasks, optimizing picking processes, and reducing manual data entry, a WMS significantly improves operational efficiency.
  • Order Fulfillment Optimization: It ensures that orders are processed quickly and accurately, leading to higher customer satisfaction and retention.
  • Space Utilization: A WMS can suggest the best locations for items based on their size, weight, and frequency of access, maximizing the use of warehouse space.

How Does a WMS Work?

  1. Receiving and Putaway: Upon receiving goods, the WMS assigns storage locations and tracks the movement of items from the dock to the designated spots.
  2. Inventory Management: Continuously monitors inventory levels, providing updates and alerts on restocking needs or potential shortages.
  3. Order Processing: Manages the picking, packing, and shipping processes, ensuring orders are fulfilled accurately and efficiently.
  4. Labor Management: Allocates tasks based on worker availability and skill set, optimizing labor resources.
  5. Reporting and Analytics: Generates detailed reports on various aspects of warehouse operations, offering insights into performance and areas for improvement.

Examples of WMS Applications

  • E-commerce Fulfillment: E-commerce businesses rely on WMS solutions to rapidly process a high volume of small orders, each potentially containing diverse items.
  • Manufacturing Warehouses: In manufacturing, a WMS manages raw materials and finished goods, coordinating supply with production demand.
  • Distribution Centers: For distribution centers servicing retail locations, a WMS optimizes the flow of goods from inbound shipments to outbound deliveries, ensuring store shelves are consistently stocked.


Implementing a Warehouse Management System is transformative for warehouse operations, bringing significant improvements in accuracy, efficiency, and productivity. By providing comprehensive control and visibility over all aspects of warehouse management, a WMS becomes an indispensable tool for businesses looking to optimize their supply chain and logistics operations. As technology evolves, WMS solutions continue to advance, offering even greater functionality and integration capabilities to meet the growing demands of modern warehousing.

Warehouse Term Breakdown #17: Zone Picking

What is Zone Picking?

Zone picking, also known as "pick-and-pass," is an order fulfillment strategy used in warehouse operations where the warehouse is divided into several distinct zones. Each picker is assigned to a specific zone and is responsible only for picking items located within that zone. When an order contains items from multiple zones, it is passed along the conveyor belt or through a manual process from one zone to the next, where pickers in each zone add the required items. This method is particularly effective in large warehouses with a wide variety of items.

Why is Zone Picking Important?

  • Increased Picking Efficiency: By dividing the warehouse into zones, workers become experts in their specific area, reducing travel time and increasing the speed of picking.
  • Enhanced Order Accuracy: Specialization in zones allows workers to become more familiar with the products in their area, reducing errors in picking.
  • Scalability: Zone picking can easily accommodate changes in order volume and staffing, making it a flexible option for growing operations.
  • Workload Balancing: This method allows for the balancing of workloads among pickers, preventing bottlenecks and ensuring a steady flow of work.

How Does Zone Picking Work?

  1. Warehouse Division: The warehouse is divided into zones, often based on product type, volume, or storage requirements.
  2. Order Decomposition: Orders are broken down by items located in different zones.
  3. Zone Assignment: Pickers are assigned to specific zones where they pick only the items for their orders located within that zone.
  4. Item Consolidation: As the order moves through the zones, items are added until the order is complete.
  5. Final Processing: Once all items from all zones are picked, the order is sent to a packing area for final assembly, packing, and shipping.

Examples of Zone Picking Applications

  • Retail Warehousing: For warehouses that serve retail stores, zone picking can efficiently manage a diverse inventory, ensuring that store orders are fulfilled quickly.
  • E-commerce Fulfillment: E-commerce warehouses benefit from zone picking by handling a high volume of orders with varied item lists, optimizing the speed and accuracy of order fulfillment.
  • Pharmaceutical Distribution: Zone picking can enhance accuracy and safety by segregating pharmaceutical products into specific zones based on storage requirements or regulations.


Zone picking is a strategic approach to warehouse order fulfillment that optimizes efficiency, accuracy, and worker productivity. By leveraging the specialization of workers in designated zones, businesses can streamline their picking processes, adapt to changes in order volume, and improve overall operational performance. As part of a comprehensive warehouse management strategy, zone picking can significantly contribute to meeting the demands of modern logistics and supply chain challenges. 

 Other Warehouse Software Terms to Know

  1. Inventory Management Software: A tool designed to help businesses track and manage their stock levels, orders, sales, and deliveries. It can be used across various industries to ensure inventory accuracy, optimize stock levels, and reduce costs.

  2. Warehouse Management Inventory Software: This is a specialized form of inventory management software focused on optimizing warehouse operations. It includes features for managing the storage, movement, and handling of goods within a warehouse, in addition to tracking inventory levels.

  3. Inventory Software for Small Business: Tailored for the needs of small businesses, this software helps manage inventory levels, orders, and sales in a more streamlined and cost-effective manner. It's designed to be user-friendly, scalable, and affordable.

  4. Inventory Accounting Software: A type of software that integrates inventory management with accounting features, allowing businesses to track costs, calculate the value of inventory for financial reporting, and manage sales and purchase orders.

  5. Inventory Perpetual System: A method of inventory accounting where updates to inventory records are made in real-time as sales and purchases occur, providing an always up-to-date view of inventory levels and cost of goods sold (COGS).

  6. Barcode Inventory System: Utilizes barcode technology for tracking and managing inventory. Products are tagged with barcodes, which can be scanned at various points in the supply chain to update inventory levels automatically.

  7. Ordering Management System: Software that manages the end-to-end order fulfillment process, from receiving orders, processing them, picking, packing, shipping, and tracking the order until delivery.

  8. Purchase Order Software: Focuses on creating, managing, and tracking purchase orders sent to suppliers. It helps businesses streamline their procurement process and maintain records of purchases.

  9. Automated Stock Management System: Uses automation to handle various aspects of stock management, such as reordering, forecasting demand, and maintaining optimal inventory levels with minimal manual intervention.

  10. Enterprise Inventory Software: A comprehensive solution designed for large organizations to manage inventory across multiple locations and supply chains. It includes advanced features like demand planning, supply chain management, and integration with other enterprise systems.

  11. Cloud-Based Warehouse Management System (WMS): A WMS hosted on the cloud, offering flexibility, scalability, and accessibility from anywhere. It supports various warehouse operations, including inventory management, picking processes, and shipping.

  12. Inventory Management Software for Retail Store: Tailored for retail operations, this software helps manage stock levels, sales, returns, and customer demands, ensuring that products are available when needed and inventory costs are minimized.

  13. Inventory Management Software Shopify: Designed to integrate with the Shopify e-commerce platform, this software helps online store owners manage their inventory, track sales, and fulfill orders directly from their Shopify dashboard.

  14. Inventory Management Software for Ecommerce: Specialized software for e-commerce businesses to manage their online inventory, including tracking stock levels across multiple sales channels, processing orders, and forecasting demand to prevent stockouts or overstocking.

Each of these systems plays a crucial role in optimizing inventory management and supply chain operations, tailored to the specific needs and scale of the business utilizing them.

Our Software SkuNexus Does This All And More!

At SkuNexus, we're not just about managing your inventory. Think of us as the Swiss Army knife for all things warehouse and inventory management. Whether you're running a cozy little shop or a sprawling e-commerce empire, we've got you covered. Our software is like that reliable friend who's always there to help, but for your inventory needs.

Need to keep an eye on your stock levels, or ensure your warehouse operations are slick as a whistle? We've got it. Wondering how to streamline your ordering process, or looking for an easier way to handle purchase orders? Look no further. From the nitty-gritty of barcode systems to the broad strokes of enterprise inventory management, we're on it.

But wait, there's more! We dive deep into the specifics too. Running a retail store or selling on Shopify? Our software integrates seamlessly, making sure you're ready to meet your customer's demands without breaking a sweat. E-commerce logistics can get complicated, but with SkuNexus, it's like having a GPS for your inventory.

And because we know the world doesn't stand still, we're all about flexibility and growth. Our cloud-based solutions mean you can manage your operations from anywhere, at any time. We're not just another platform; we're a dynamic solution that grows with you, adapting to your needs and the ever-changing market.

In short, SkuNexus does all that and more. We're here to make sure your inventory and warehouse management is as effortless as it is efficient. Let us handle the complexities, so you can focus on what you do best: growing your business.

Wrap Up

In wrapping up our journey through "17 Common Warehouse Management Terms and Definitions," we hope you’ve gained valuable insights and a stronger grasp of the fundamental warehouse vocabulary. This exploration into warehouse terminology is more than just a lesson in language; it's an essential step towards mastering the dynamics of efficient warehouse operations.

The terms and definitions we've delved into are the building blocks of effective communication and operation within any warehouse setting. By familiarizing yourself with this warehouse language, you’re not just expanding your warehouse words lexicon; you're also equipping yourself with the knowledge necessary to navigate the complexities of warehouse management with confidence.

Remember, whether you’re discussing warehouse terms and definitions, engaging in conversations using the specific terms used in warehouse environments, or implementing strategies based on warehouse management terms, clarity and understanding are key to success. We encourage you to keep revisiting this warehouse vocabulary as a resource to refine your expertise and stay fluent in the ever-evolving language of warehouse operations.

Thank you for joining us on this educational excursion. May the warehouse words and insights you’ve gathered here empower you in your career and contribute to your continued success in the vast and dynamic world of warehouse management.

Know the Terminology

It’s important that all employees in a warehouse or in various parts of the supply chain know how to communicate with one another. One key aspect is integrating industry-related jargon into your vocabulary. We hope that the above terms and definitions help you do that.

If you want to learn more about our all-in-one warehouse inventory managment software, SkuNexus, then scedule a demo with us and we'll share it with you all! You can schedule your free demo here.

If you want to learn more about order management to improve your warehouse operations, please check out the ultimate guide to order management.

Ultimate Guide to Order Management

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