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  • The SkuNexus Magento Partnership- A Match Made in Heaven
Written by Yitz Lieblich

The SkuNexus Magento Partnership- A Match Made in Heaven

The SkuNexus Magento Partnership- A Match Made in Heaven!

Who Is Magento?

Magento is an ecommerce platform built on an open source technology which means that one can easily delve into the code base and make customizable changes to their ecommerce site. Magento is known for the capabilities of its flexible shopping cart system as well as the control one has over the look, content, and functionality of their online store. In addition to these features, Magento also offers efficient marketing and search engine optimization.

Today, there are over 250,000 merchants utilizing the platform worldwide. Magento is one of the most popular content management systems for many reasons. Users appreciate its open source capabilities which allow developers to build the exact website the client is looking for, down to the specific details. Owned by Adobe since 2018, Magento’s new parent company is likely to use it’s resources to strengthen the platform even further and expand growth.

Who is SkuNexus?

Part of what makes Magento so popular among online merchants is the ability to customize. This same feature can be found in SkuNexus, one of Magento’s most recent and fast-growing tech partners is this commerce operations system. This partnership is the perfect match for merchants who love to tailor things to fit their needs. For someone who already has the ability to design the features of their online store, what’s better than the option to design the features of their order/inventory/warehouse management system as well?  Magento began it’s partnership with SkuNexus when they noticed their clients needing to be connected with a quality order/inventory/warehouse management system they could afford. SkuNexus targets mid-market sized companies, but has the capability to grow with a business to a limitless scale. What makes SkuNexus so unique is the level of customization that it has the ability to create for a client. The order/inventory/warehouse management system which can be built out to fit a business’s exact workflow.

Each business is original, with its own problems and special cases. Instead of changing the processes of a company to match a cookie cutter order management system, one can now work with a system that will tailor its own features to be exactly what is needed by the client. Unnecessary confusion within a business’s warehouse and ordering processes become obsolete with this system and SkuNexus seamlessly integrates all parts of a company's commerce operations to minimize the steps needed to complete a task.There are two options available when utilizing the software— the cloud based and the enterprise version. With the Enterprise version, the client will have access to the source code.

What Does it Mean to Be a Partner of Magento?

By becoming a partner of Magento, one can take their business to new heights. Such a partnership is beneficial for both Magento and the partner, as the two companies work together to move toward success. Services offered by a Magento partner are always found useful by those customers who utilize the Magento platform. With this in mind, Magento will spread the word and offer the services of the partner to their clients. In addition, a Magento partner will always educate clients they bring in on the benefits of the Magento platform if they find it’s something the client could potentially utilize.

There are two types of partners that may be connected with Magento- Solution Partners and Technology Partners. Solutions partners are digital agencies and consulting companies which will help Magento customers build their online store within the platform. A Technology Partner, on the other hand, offers a software or a service which integrates with the Magento platform.

Magento and SkuNexus Similarities

The ability for a client to access the source code is an important similarity between Magento and SkuNexus, and it’s what makes both platforms so desirable to merchants. When an online retailer is designing their website, they are going to want to reflect their brand and their products in the best way possible. The ability to customize prevents the need for the client to squeeze their brand into a cookie-cutter template which does not permit for much freedom. This makes the platform a unique and desirable option. The same goes for the SkuNexus customer. Instead of having to alter their business’s processes to fit a workflow set in place for all businesses who utilize the software, SkuNexus works with the client to build out a system where they can keep the processes of their workflow which work for them. Every business is met with their own unique problems and special processes within the warehouse, and these situations need to be accounted for.

The demand for SkuNexus by Magento customers has been made clear- which is what sparked the partnership between SkuNexus and Magento in the first place. The interest in SkuNexus spans between fortune 500 companies as well as mid-market sized companies. The diverse capabilities of the platform is what makes it a desirable option for everyone.

Magento Imagine 2019

The partnership between Magento and SkuNexus could not have come at a more perfect time, with Magento Imagine 2019 right around the corner. Now in its ninth year, Imagine brings together over 3000 merchants, partners, and industry leaders to take part in live keynote and breakout sessions as well as customer panels and networking events. This event attracts the biggest innovators in ecommerce and retail- and without a doubt SkuNexus will be there. This is a great place to connect and learn more about both SkuNexus and Magento. If you'll be there, please reach out to us so that we can connect.

Get in Touch

To be a client of both Magento and SkuNexus will soar your business to a whole new level. The efficiency and customizable features of both allow for you run things smoothly and grow your company to its full potential. If you’d like to learn more about SkuNexus, you can schedule a demo with us HERE and we can discuss things further today! Together, we will build out the features of the exact software your business needs!

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Find out how our platform can elevate your operations. Offer to set up a test account for you, so you can try out the platform on your own time.