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Written by Yitz Lieblich

Choosing an Order Management System for Long-term Success

Finding an order management system system that can automate manual processes and increase efficiencies at every touchpoint will lessen the overall cost of fulfilling eCommerce orders and save man-hours, turning that 18 cents into much less with the right processes in place.

Finding a system that can automate manual processes and increase efficiencies at every touchpoint will lessen the overall cost of fulfilling eCommerce orders and save man-hours, turning the 18 cents on the dollar that it costs to operate a fulfillment center into much less with the right processes in place. But where do you begin estimating the true cost of an inefficient order management system? And how do you find one that will deliver exponential returns on your initial investment for years to come?

Omnichannel is No Longer Optional

Shoppers now hop between more channels, often making online, mobile and in-store purchases a weekly habit. This means disparate systems and silos become more of a drain on resources when trying to manage these channel-hopping buyers. Omnichannel integration of order management processes handled directly in the OMS system gives the order end-to-end visibility to the customer and across the enterprise, lessening costly customer service calls and increasing repeat buying behavior.

The Partner Fit

A new order management system is a financial investment and a considerable project for your business and IT teams. When IT projects are not installed on-time and within budget, it is a financial and time drain on the entire business. OMS systems typically take 6 to 12 months to implement, and it may take additional months for daily users to fully absorb and gain the functions.

Build a Roadmap

Being as prepared as possible for the implementation means first finding a solution, sure, but also finding a trusted partner to become an extension of your team to implement the solution.

The order management system of your future is how you’re going to manage your bottom line, improve people productivity, provide customer service, and gain key insights and analysis into your business. The total buy-in of your team and ownership of assigned responsibilities across business units make for a successful OMS implementation, but integrating all the above capabilities are how your system will achieve long-term financial returns.

Get Started

Find out how our platform can elevate your operations. Offer to set up a test account for you, so you can try out the platform on your own time.