Commerce Operations Blog

Does Your Inventory Management System Need Improvement?

Written by Yitzchak Lieblich | October 2, 2019

Have you been experience chaos within your company’s warehouse? Chaos is not something that’s hard to come by when dealing with one’s inventory management processes. There’s so much to keep track of between orders, shipments, and physical inventory. If you’re unsure whether or not your inventory management system is the problem, here are some clear signs that there’s a need for improvement. 

Unhappy Customers

If your customers are unhappy or dissatisfied with the service you’ve provided to them, that is the most obvious sign that something isn’t right. Having a happy and returning customer is the ultimate goal of any merchant, and having consumers who are clearly unhappy with their shopping experience means that somehow the mark has been missed. This can happen due to many things, but one of the main factors which can alter a customers experience is how your warehouse processes are being managed. Disorganization at any point between when a customer's order is placed to the day they receive it can cause delays and inaccuracies within their shopping experience. 

For example, data that is not updated in real time with regards to stock levels can cause issues such as confirmed orders being out of stock. If you have a limited amount of a product, and too many people are able to place an order for it before stock level data is updated, some of those customers will not be receiving their order as promised. This is an example of why all aspects of warehouse processes need to be integrated. Without this real-time communication, delays and dissatisfaction are inevitable. 

Losing Money

Problems that exist in a warehouse can range anywhere from overstocking or under stocking to missing inventory or money. Without organization things can get lost or money can be spent without keeping organized records of what it was even spent on. This means losing money for your business which is never good. 

Losing Time

In addition to losing money, your business is also losing valuable time when there is such disorganization. Workers who are employed in a disorganized warehouse will inevitable spend extra time wandering around searching for the product they need or trying to figure out what to do next with it. If every task and location is laid out for them on a hand held device, they will be so much more time efficient when completing the day’s tasks. 

More Efficiency

In addition to issues regarding time and money spent, there is also the issue of efficiency. Human error is inevitable, especially when there is a lot going on and people have multiple things happening at once. On a busy day, employees are bound to make a mistake. All you can do is hope it’s not a big one which results in an unhappy customer. With automated processes, the risk of human error is almost eradicated. In addition to providing employees with real time data and the specific tasks at hand, a good software will keep record of all important processes, allowing employees to look back and see where a mistake was made etc. 

Finding the Right Software for Your Business

So how do you find the warehouse management system that is the right fit for you? While there are many options available, there is only one software which allows you to incorporate all of the features you need by being completely open source. SkuNexus is the world’s most customizable commerce operations system. It covers all areas of inventory management processes from ordering, to picking, packing, and shipping. The best part about it is that instead of changing your company’s workflow to fit a software system, SkuNexus does it the other way around! We work with the client to build out any and all features you need to keep things running as you need them. Every company is unique and we’d love to hear about yours! Click here to schedule a demo with us to discuss your requirements today!